Thursday, March 21, 2019

Who invented Marriage?

An Alternative Mythology

 "Peace on earth, evolution, and the end of the world as we know it."

"The fears and prejudices of the father, are readily passed on to the sons, in the isolation of the patriarchal nuclear family system." 

 Who invented Marriage? As a society, do we know that Marriage is the compassionate way to proceed?

 Who invented Marriage? Marriage is the central element of society. The two parent patriarchal nuclear family system is common throughout the world. Who invented Marriage? Was it God who invented Marriage, or was it mankind? Whose idea was it? What circumstances necessitated the creation of  Marriage? What system was in place before the advent of Marriage? Is the patriarchal nuclear family system, with Marriage as it's central element, the best we can do for our children?

 Women invented Marriage. During the hunter-gatherer period of our history Women needed to guarantee that the Men from their clan (group, family,  village, gang) would keep returning to their group.

 Who knows, after a long and arduous hunting trip, the men might have stayed with the first friendly, attractive and attentive group of women that they came in contact with.(There were probably women on the hunting trips.) I believe that, in the earliest Marriages, the men were married to the clan, not to individual women. These Marriages did not exist for the purposes of romantic love. The men were valuable to the clan, and were not easily replaced. The men provided protection (not that the women were entirely defenseless), food from hunting, and most importantly, they were needed for reproduction. The women would create elaborate rituals and celebrations, before long hunting trips, to convince the men, that they were Married to their particular group. It was necessary that the men would return to their group.

  The women of this time period were strong, intelligent, and courageous. These Women understood the cycles of life. They understood the menstruation cycles, and they knew how the babies were made. They understood that strong, healthy, and resourceful men, would provide the seed for strong, healthy, and resourceful children. Pregnancy and childbirth were a life and death proposition. The young pubescent females constituted the most precious resource that the clan possessed. They were the givers of life, and were needed to ensure the continuation of the clan(race). The Women could not recklessly risk the lives of the young females by allowing them to have unregulated intercourse with the males. These young females needed time for their bodies to become large enough, and strong enough to bring a baby to full term. If the young females were to become pregnant too early, it could be a death sentence.

 In order to protect the young females, I believe that, during this time period, the men and women lived separately. The women and children lived together in the center, or the most defensible place (cave, structure). While the men lived together on the fringes. The men were not allowed free contact with the children. The women were responsible for protecting and raising the children. 

 This separation of the males and females was to ensure that none of the precious young females would become impregnated while they were too young, and have their lives put in mortal jeopardy. Without this separation many of these young fertile females and their babies would have died needlessly during risky pregnancies. Without this separation there may have not been enough young fertile females, who survived, to ensure the continuation of the race. For this reason we owe a debt of gratitude to Women for protecting the young females. These beautiful, brave, and brilliant women, ensured the survival of our species. This is the great untold story of all time.

 Women need to take responsibility for this momentous contribution to society.

  Who invented Marriage? The worst problems of our society (war, ethnic hatred, and violence against women and children) are rooted in, and perpetuated by the system. The system is the patriarchal nuclear family system. Marriage is the central element of the system.

 The worst crimes in our society (spousal abuse, incest, child neglect) happen, with the greatest frequency, in the isolation of the patriarchal nuclear family system.

 The fears and prejudices of the father are readily passed on to the sons, in the isolation of the patriarchal nuclear family system.

 "Family-secrets", are a scourge on our society.

 Who invented Marriage? It is the isolation of the system that fosters generational weirdness, such as prejudice, ethnic hatred, religious intolerance, gender bias, and all crimes against women and children. (incest, child neglect, misogyny and spousal rape) 
 Women invented Marriage. This statement is not meant to blame, but it is more of an attempt to identify a root cause for the dysfunction (war, violence, indifference to human suffering), that is present in our world society. I believe that women will lead us into a period of true Peace, when women can accept their participation in the creation of the system. Who invented Marriage?

 Wikipedia defines "paradigm paralysis" as; The inability or refusal to see beyond the current model of thinking. Is it time to rethink the system? Who invented Marriage?

Richard E Cleary

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